Meet Emily Gowen, AFC®

My professional life has varied considerably over the years- from teaching math to urban gardening to bodywork- yet the common thread is that I love holding space for people and being a helpful and empowering resource.

I'm a financial coach because I know what it feels like to be burdened by finances, and I want to help as many people as I can turn that stress and trapped feeling into hope and positivity about their financial future.

My Story

A decade ago I had consumer debt, student loans, and had just started my own business with a near-empty bank account- and had no idea how I was going to make it work.

For years I had chosen to do work that I loved, knowing that it didn't pay well, and was facing the consequences. I constantly had to think about money just to make sure I would be able to pay my bills. My background in math probably helped me set goals for my business and follow a plan each month, though it was my determination that eventually led me out of financial anxiety and into a place where I was saving money. 

Fast forward a few years and I had paid off all of my debt, saved an emergency fund, and opened a small but exciting retirement account. However, I didn't do that alone. As a first-generation college student who was financially self-sufficient at a young age, I could always 'make it work' but lacked financial literacy. I sought out help from local non-profits to learn the language and healthy habits of money management.  Once I had accomplished my initial goals, I started volunteering as a Financial Coach for a non-profit whose services I had benefitted from. I helped close friends pay off thousands of dollars of their own consumer debt, creating spreadsheets with them and checking in on a regular basis. 

Excited but not knowing what to do next with my money, I cold-called a financial advisor. I told her that I was just starting to 'get my sh*t together,' and asked, 'What now? What should I prioritize?' She told me there was basically no one for me to talk to, as I could not afford a Financial Advisor and had no substantial wealth to be managed. However, she would soon be offering trainings for Money Coaches so she offered to meet with me and see if it was a good fit.

I believe that naming what we want and seeking help to get there is one of the most powerful things we can do. Since that call I made and all the trainings that followed, I have further transformed my relationship with money to a place I never thought possible — Owning my dream home and rental property in a west coast city, remodeling them and transforming the land, and funding college savings accounts for my kids. I understand the inequity and hurdles that make prosperity so difficult for some of us to achieve, and also believe in our abilities to take control of what we can to turn our lives around.

I believe Financial Coaches are the missing link for creating a financially educated and empowered culture. 

What so many of us need is a money-cheerleader and educator to get us to where we are saving and creating wealth, as most of us don't yet have wealth to manage. I know that our system does not set our youth up for financial success, and on the contrary, offers a confusing and often predatory array of options to get us, and keep us, in debt. 

I love helping people break out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, live with a cushion that eases their anxiety and stress, and save for a future that will more than meet their basic needs.

Areas of experience & interest

Self-employment and defining financial freedom, growing food, hiking/backpacking, climbing, remodeling (hopefully never again!), landscaping, and prioritizing quality of life and personal growth. I’m also a mom to twin toddlers who teach me more than I can express.

If you don't feel that you are ready for my services, please check out my Resources Page for helpful tools, books, and free non-profit services to help you on your journey.


  • Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC) Certification & Ongoing Coursework

  • Financial Coach Academy, Mastermind, Symposium & Business Automations training

  • 12-month Elite Coaching Program through the Financial Coach Academy

  • You Need A Budget Certified Coaching Planning Cohort

  • Certified Financial Planner Course 1

  • Coach Connections 12-mo program

  • Innovative Changes Financial Coach Training

  • Lunaria Financial; Personal & Business Money Coaching Course, Wild Money Book training

One of Emily's greatest gifts as a Financial Coach is her ability to be practical, logical and mathematical while simultaneously also being caring and compassionate. She is authentic, direct, sincere, kind and honest around the complex topic of money and whatever it may bring up for her clients. I highly recommend working with her!”

– Michael S., Portland, Oregon

Why have just one freebie?

Here are a few free guides and workbooks I hope you’ll find helpful.

Let’s get started on your journey to financial peace of mind and confidence with your money


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