Roadmap to a Sustainable
Spending Plan

AKA, a small-group version of our Financial Clarity Intensive

Next Workshop: Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

 If you're wondering…

  • How do I balance budgeting for everything at once- enjoying my life now, saving for retirement, funding travel, taking care of my kids and pets?

  • How do I prevent needing to lean on debt when expenses like car repairs, summer camps, or holiday shopping come up?

  • How do I get out of debt for good, paying it down while preventing it from happening in the future?

... then this workshop is for you.

This hybrid course & live group workshop is designed to guide you through creating a thorough and realistic spending plan for your personal life that honors your unique values and goals.

  • Includes a 90-minute live workshop for Q+A, sharing, and lessons on the most important aspects of feeling confident about your plan.


Watch: Course Inspiration

  • Client Feedack: "How did you feel about your money and your new plans after taking this course?" 'Clearer, more hopeful, more manageable, more powerful, and excited to understand it even deeper and do a better job tracking it. Relieved that now I have a good picture of my finances in one place. Grateful I can make informed choices from this place.'

    Lulu, Portland, Oregon

  • "I really appreciated your approach: kind, clear, organized, knowledgeable, understanding about peoples situations."

    Alyssa, Portland, OR

How it works:

  • Sign up and get started!

    As soon as you register you’ll get access to your online course and prep work- Start learning right away what your Sustainable Spending Plan looks like, and what your income makes possible for you.

  • Join Your Live Session!

    Our 90-minute live session will be limited to 6 participants so that everyone has time to get their questions answered.

  • Enjoy your money more and move forward with clarity

    Now that you have a plan for your money, you can take steps to spend in alignment with it- enjoying your money more now, while feeling better about your future.


  • This could take you 30 minutes to two hours or more, depending on how organized your finances currently are. There is so much value in completing the prep work alone!

  • No worries- You can email me your questions beforehand, and I'll do my best to answer them either in the recording or personally via email. I'll send out a recording afterward that will be available to view for one month.

  • Nope! Only if you want to share. I do recommend you at least share your spending plan with me, so that I can best assist you, but there is no pressure to share your screen during the Q+A.

  • Yup- classes will be limited to the first 6 folks who sign up. And, I'm sure you'll learn a lot about what you don't know-that-you-don't-know from what others ask in the group!

  • You'll have access to the downloads forever, and access to the online course and videos for one year.

  • If you’re self-employed, please sign up for the event in January for business owners! This option only covers a personal spending plan.

    I would also only recommend this option to couples who share the majority of their money, as otherwise I believe you would need a longer, one-on-one session to make a comprehensive plan.

  • This is an option! Just let me know if you’re interested in that after the workshop.

Next Workshop- Saturday, June 22nd, 2024